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Tarun Mallappa

An experienced Chartered Accountant.


Over my career spanning 15+ years, I've partnered ​with entrepreneurs across diverse industries, ​including Software-as-a-Service (SaaS), Online and ​Offline Commerce, Manufacturing, and Services in ​helping them streamline their finance functions.

My background includes a stint with KPMG's M&A ​team before founding & growing a full-service ​fractional CFO practice. I currently lead the finance ​function for a US-based B2B Software-as-a-Service ​(SaaS) company specializing in developer skill ​assessments.

I’m adept at getting companies diligence-ready for a ​fund-raise or sale; automating accounting & finance ​functions to unlock value; providing support on ​business acquisition & sale.

My​ Specialisation

CFO: I can leverage my extensive operational ​expertise in overseeing finance functions to assist ​companies in implementing and executing financial ​strategy, building strong accounting teams, develop ​robust financial reporting & planning (FP&A) ​frameworks, across companies of various sizes and ​industry.

M&A Readiness & Support: I can collaborate with ​your team to assess your readiness for an upcoming f​undraise or M&A. Regardless of the situation, ensure y​our accounting records, legal agreements, and f​inancial KPIs are always ready as inbound interests in y​our business can arise with short notice, while p​reparedness improves the success rate.

Acquisition suppport: Growing inorganically by way ​of acquisitions is always feared as risky due to the ​unknowns of a target business. But it need not be a ​risky proposition if done right. I can help you ​diligence a target company from finance & tax ​perspective.

Ph: +91 99169 24919
